
There are so many ways to join the fight against Telomere Biology Disorders. Your financial support and personal involvement helps families and provides the medical community with the funds needed to research finding causes, effective treatments and to educate other medical providers.


Team Telomere depends on the commitment, creativity, talent, and energy of its volunteers. They are our local ambassadors, and we rely on their event organizing skills to support patients, family, and friends in their community. Their work also contributes our mission to provide information and support services to families worldwide affected by Dyskeratosis Congenita and Telomere Biology Disorders.


  • Learn about Dyskeratosis Congenita and Telomere Biology Disorders
  • Make an impact by raising public awareness and funds
  • See how programs grow with their support
  • Make new friends

If you are interested in volunteering with Team Telomere, please email us at info@teamtelomere.org with your interests, background on yourself, and any relevant experience, if applicable.

Join Our Race Team

By joining #teamtelomere and pledge to raise a minimum of $200 for Team Telomere, we’ll hook you up with a great race shirt and reimburse your race fee up to $75. If you raise $1,000 or more, we will cover the entire race fee! Just hang on to your race entry confirmation, raise some money, and we’ll virtual high five you at the finish line.

Race Team Donation

Make your race extra meaningful and your efforts go the extra mile by running on behalf of Team Telomere. We at Team Telomere are passionate about providing information and support to families impacted by Telomere Biology Disorders and advancing critical medical/scientific efforts. Your race efforts and donations help our community see more wins, smiles, and hope.

Team Telomere Turkey Trot

Each November we ask you to join us in a local Turkey Day race in your area. Simply print out the bib and snap a picture of yourself and your friends and family, be sure to use #TTTT2023 on social media! To fundraise for your trot, send us an email to info@teamtelomere.org and we set you up with your Crowdrise page! Get your wobble on before or after you get your gobble on!